Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Aloha to all,
After some pushing and shoving from some dear people, I finally started my own blog. I hope to keep this on the happy end of the spectrum and hear and to share some funny stories about people and their pets and just about people themselves.
I think one of the best parts of my life was when I became the owner of a horse. I had never experienced such freedom before. Running thru the fields back home and down dusty trails, several of us from the neighborhood became a gang that rode after school and on weekends. We were envied by all that saw us with our new found freedom. With our hair blowing like crazy in the wind we would have races and try all kinds of new things with our trusty steeds. We experienced things that only a few get to try.
Having always been a animal lover and owner of many, I finally became an animal technician.
I have so many stories to tell of my experiences and hope you too, will come to enjoy them.
I didn't just work in a small animal clinic, oh no, I was the lucky person to get to work with the zoo vet and what a trip that was. I also worked for a large animal clinic and got to go to many calls in the middle of the night. Usually on first time calvings and most generally ended up with a c-section being preformed.
So here we go buckaroos, saddle up and lets go.
I think one of the fondest memories I have, was of a rodeo that came into town each summer. After the rodeo was over, the horses were put up for sale. Now you have to understand, these were not your everyday horses, these were the broncos the cowboys rode. You never were for sure what you were going to get, you just knew it was going to be the ride of your life.
So, one year, a good friend decided it was time for his big purchase and off he went to make his choice. Now I don't want to say he bought the dumbest horse in the lot, but after being around that ole hoss alot, I wasn't sure if he was the dumbest or the smartest, since everytime someone got on his back to break him and possibly in the future train(who were we kidding) him, he would lay down. Now, I am not talking just your everday lay down and sunbathe position, but lay down and ignore the world position.
After several weeks of this, the proud owner was not gett


Blogger Greybeard said...

Welcome, love!

Good for've taken that first step! Now, let the stories flow.
I agree with Purple T....pick a story that affected you personally and run with it. Tell us why it was important to you......details, details, details!

I'm glad you're here.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006 12:40:00 PM  
Blogger the golden horse said...

thanks guys for the support, hope to keep you entertained in the future. welcome your stories also.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006 1:29:00 PM  

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