Friday, January 06, 2006

Coon Hunting

Now being from the midwest, here is a sport that was a huge rage back when. Yes, I know, even I had my own dogs. I had this one ole dog "Joe," a beautiful black and tan and one of the strongest dogs I have ever seen. We had him hooked to his dog house in the back yard and I must say, he lived pretty high on the hog. When he got bored, which was often, he would take off and drag his beautiful, big, doghouse to whereever he wanted to go at the moment for a visit. It was a common thing for the neighbors to call and tell us Joe was down visiting again. It usually took 3 or 4 men to load that durn house back up into the pickup, but here a 60 lb. dog dragged it around like it was nothing. Anyway, even though I had my own dogs, I would never kill a coon, I always preferred to go during running season, the time when you are getting you dogs into shape and before the actual season. I just couldn't bring myself to kill any animal, I had spend almost 7 years in animal technology and at the time had two pet racoons that I adored. They were hand raised when momma drowned during a flood, so they had imprinted and I was now momma.
We called them Bonnie and Clyde and the names fit. More on them at a later date.


Blogger Greybeard said...

Your post brought to mind a gal I dated years ago.....she owned the biggest Malamute I had ever seen. He weighed 150 pounds, and literally had a head the size of a grizzly bear.

She told the story of taking him along on a visit once and not wanting to leave him in the car because she thought he might overheat, she attached his leash to the trailer tongue of a friends 30' cabin cruiser where "Seiko" could lay in the shade.
You know the rest of the story....
these dogs are built to pull houses, so the boat was no problem at all. A cat came along, and Seiko and the boat crossed the street and went up the neighbors driveway.

I wish someone had a video camera handy!

Saturday, January 07, 2006 8:00:00 AM  

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