Saturday, January 07, 2006

Yeller hoss and more............

I loved the comment from Greybeard, telling about his friends dog and the trailer. I can just see that dog now. It is so amazing what these animals can do.
Since I was always connected with animals, people just took it in stride in this little town we lived in. They were always bringing their beaten up, downtrodden and abandoned animals to me. I always had the most diverse group of animals you ever saw.
They were used to my animals, pretty much having the run of the town.
We had a huge back yard that had amazing grass that grew at alarming rates, so it was not unusual for me to bring my horse home from his retirement farm and tie him to a tree with a 50 ft. rope and let him graze.
Well, one day, I didn't get out to "rotate" my horse fast enough, so he proceded to untie himself, he was amazing at this, and took off for greener pastures, literally. After much searching, we found him about a mile from home, munching knee deep grass under a apple tree, retied to the tree. So, not only was he smart enough to untie himself, but he could retie himself in a different location. Just as I was having this conversation with my big ole yeller hoss, about how he accomplished this latest feat, when the neighbor came out.
I promptly apologized to the owner and he quickly told me, "no bother, we knew who he belonged to and besides, my grass needed cutting." After that, we had several neighbors asking us to tie my horse in their yard. Gosh, they got free fertilizer for it.
Anyone who knew me, knew this ole hoss was very special to me. I would have kept him over any man, in a heartbeat. He was always good for a laugh and excitement.
He had the intelligence that few people have, let alone other animals. Over the years, he taught me alot. I truly think, he was half human sometimes.


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