Friday, February 24, 2006

Movies and Memories....Do you remember

I think one of the neatest things I remember about CG, was all the movies they used to show us. Either in our rooms, or going down into the tunnel. When I look back on it, they really did show us some really good ones and a few duds.
Tonight, as I sat watching the Olympics, a Bubweiser commercial came on starring their beautiful Clydesdales and it brought back memories of a movie they showed us in school about them. It was called "Big Scot" and it showed them going to Scotland and buying a colt there and his progress through the years, eventually becoming a Budweiser Clydesdale. It really took me back for a few moments, being the animal lover that I am. Over the years I got to see these magnificent animals in person and up close many times.
That was always my long time favorite movie from school.

Do you have one??


Blogger Greybeard said...

Funny you should mention that movie...
it's one of the few I remember.
And imagine a teacher showing a movie like that today.....obviously a promotional for a company producing alcoholic beverages.....think there'd be an uproar?
I remember going home and proudly telling my folks that "that first horse on the left....his name is 'Big Scot'", not realizing that Anheuser Busch has at least three teams of Clydesdales based in various places in the U.S., and it probably wasn't Big Scot we were looking at.

I can understand you, as a horse lover, being impressed with this flick GH, but what's my excuse?

Sunday, February 26, 2006 7:06:00 PM  
Blogger the golden horse said...

You don't need an excuse to appreciate such beauty. For some reason, it really stuck with me over the years and I have told the kids and husband about it.
I have been lucky enough to be up close several times over the years with these fine specimens and even got to take our grandson into one of their their barns where he got to experience them up close.

Sunday, February 26, 2006 10:22:00 PM  
Blogger Purple Tabby said...

The Ft. Worth Stock Show and Rodeo always has the Clydesdales and they are truly magnificent. The time I saw them there weren't many people there and we could go right up to the stalls and pet them.
Those guys are HUGE! They must have no idea how big they are or they would never do what a puny human asked them to do.

Do you remember those awful films we had in Home Ec. or maybe Gym class? LOL They were pretty funny even then.

Monday, February 27, 2006 9:57:00 AM  

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