Saturday, February 11, 2006

A Step back in TIme

I had just received an order through the mail and as I was going through the box, I had noticed the company had sent me a catalog. I almost threw it away when I started thumbing through the pages and found some of the neatest stuff that took me back to the 1950's.
Do you remember, cotton handkerchiefs for women, Jade East Cologne, Bay Rum, styptic pencils, Burma shave cream, Charles Chips, Valomilks and Clark Bars, Black Jack and Beaman's gum, Little Golden Books, Aesop's Fables, Hans Christian Andersens Tales, Dick and Jane series of books, Raggedy Ann and Andy, Fisher Price pull toys, Viewmasters, soap on a rope, Lifebouy, Ipana toothpaste (remember Bucky Beaver), Tangee lipstick, sprinkle bottle with holes in the top, 45's record player with stackable changer, and last, but not least, Evening in Paris Perfume. All that and much more, I felt like I had just walked into my grandma's house. What a nice trip to take.


Blogger Greybeard said...

"Brusha, brusha, brusha,
New Ipana toothpaste,
With the brand new flavor,
It's dandy for your teeth!"
(And then Bucky would make snapping noises with his teeth.)

They still sell Beaman's gum....
I bought a pack in Springfield, IL. last summer.

And men's cologne....English Leather was the big deal with classmates for a while. I loved "Hai Karate", and wish I could still find it. It was persistent....and others would comment when I wore it. An internet search came up empty.

Sunday, February 12, 2006 12:20:00 AM  
Blogger TwoDogs said...

All Great Memories!
Jade East, English leather, Musk, Old Spice Bay Rum!
I'm was always a little taken back when people backed away. Was it my breath? Did I forget to shower? No, I think it was the aftershave that I had put on - At times, maybe just a little too much. I thought I doing what it took to attract the girls - Just the opposite, I suspect. Mom always said "Don't put too much on", Most of the time, that advice came too late as I had just finished splashing it all over the place. An hour later, I was sorry. This happened time and again..

GG, Evening in Paris - Now, That got my attention every time...

Ferdy, I remember that Mrs. Doty was not really the touchy- feely type. You must have been special to get a hug. But, are you sure that she didn't stand on your toes on purpose?? I, too, remember you as being special but, I never stepped on your toes. (We never danced, Did we?) I always thought Mrs. Doty was kind of cold and stand offish. My perception of her did change mid year, though. She lived around the corner from us. She knew that I was having some math 'problems' in class. Out of the blue(I suspect someone called her), She showed up at the house one evening to help (tutor). Volunteered to come back as often as needed (although, I really wanted Nicki Williams as a tutor). Mrs. Doty turned out to be a real nice, caring person. Ended up having a great 4th.(?) Grade.

Sunday, February 12, 2006 2:46:00 PM  
Blogger the golden horse said...

Hi, glad you like the blog, for more stuff you can go to the Vermont Country Store, such cool stuff. I think they even have a request line for things.
As for the hankies, I had some for when I went to the Ole EUB church, mom would tie my offering into the corner of one, so I wouldn't lose it. Made it so nice to carry. Also for the extra milk money in 6th grade.
Ahhh, I remember quite well the halls of old CGHS just absolutely reeking of English Leather. I swear there was some kind of contest going on with you guys. But you have to admit, it sure was a turn on.
Good job on the Bucky Beaver song.
Isn't it funny when you look back on little things, how they really weren't harrassment or grief. but just memories in the making.
What.... Nicki as a tutor, do you really think you would have kept your mind on math with her. She was one of my dearest friends since I was 4 yrs. old. Steve, Nicky, Kathy, and John Mike, and the two greatest parents 4 kids could have. She was one of the foxiest girls ever to walk the halls of CG. Did you ever see her tan from working at Hilltop? Oh my.

Sunday, February 12, 2006 5:25:00 PM  
Blogger the golden horse said...

Hi, glad you like the blog, for more stuff you can go to the Vermont Country Store, such cool stuff. I think they even have a request line for things.
As for the hankies, I had some for when I went to the Ole EUB church, mom would tie my offering into the corner of one, so I wouldn't lose it. Made it so nice to carry. Also for the extra milk money in 6th grade.
Ahhh, I remember quite well the halls of old CGHS just absolutely reeking of English Leather. I swear there was some kind of contest going on with you guys. But you have to admit, it sure was a turn on.
Good job on the Bucky Beaver song.
Isn't it funny when you look back on little things, how they really weren't harrassment or grief. but just memories in the making.
What.... Nicki as a tutor, do you really think you would have kept your mind on math with her. She was one of my dearest friends since I was 4 yrs. old. Steve, Nicky, Kathy, and John Mike, and the two greatest parents 4 kids could have. She was one of the foxiest girls ever to walk the halls of CG. Did you ever see her tan from working at Hilltop? Oh my.

Sunday, February 12, 2006 5:26:00 PM  

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