Monday, February 27, 2006

Whatever Happened To....

This weekend I got out some old school annuals and started thumbing through them. I came across several people I have not heard a word about for many years. I went clear back to the first grade ( gosh, what cute little kids we were) and it brought memories of wonderful times.
Some of the people I know nothing about are...
Mike Bair, Jim Anderson, Jay Branaman, Diana Doty, Marie Espinoza, Mary Heldman,
just to get the list started.

What about you, have you any to add?
It would be wonderful if we could get them involved also.
In earlier years, we had some outstanding classmates that left before graduation,
maybe you know something about them also..
Sharon Napier, Nancy Lucas, Donna Hendrickson, Valerie ?....
Have you ever wondered about anyone that went to school with us?


Blogger Greybeard said...

Ahh, and I are so often on the same frequency....


She's been on my mind too much lately...
I had such a crush on her. She loved horses too.....I can remember in Grade School she would prance around pretending to be a thoroughbred. What's the last year she appears in your yearbooks?

Have you done a search?
are great places to start. I think we'd all be surprised at the number of people that are still in the area.
I was asking about David H. last time I was home, and he still lives right where he did.

Rick P.? I bet he's still there too.
Larry M.?

As I've noted before, you gals are harder to keep track of, changing your last names.

I'll do a little searchin' and let you know what turns up.

Monday, February 27, 2006 10:57:00 PM  
Blogger TwoDogs said...

Mike Bair is still around the Valley. Diane Doty and Mary Heldman are both still around as is Jim Anderson. I have actually talked with Marie Espinoza a couple of times recently. She was scheduled to have an operation when I talked with her last August. I called her back a month or so ago to see how she was doing. She is doing fine and said to say Hi to everyone. She is in West Palm Beach and seems to be enjoying life. Jay is one of the lost classmates. I haven't heard anything about him lately. We have about 20 or so 'lost' classmates. Most without good addresses - a few, they just don't want to be bothered. Sharon, Nancy, Donna and Valerie are names that go back awhile. Nancy Lucas was my first real 'girlfriend' and I'm sure she was the first girl that I kissed(that's for another blog, 5th or 6th grade, I think and not counting Lila Jane, who just so happens to be a double cousin - but once removed!). Nancy, Donna and you were buddies, weren't you? What about Sandy Burns and Sandy(?)Ruoff. Remember them? Sandy Burns had a brother named Jimmy. And the Ruoff girl had a brother named Bruce. Or am I getting all confused? Was there just one Sandy? Years ago, Jimmy used to hang out w/ the Carey Rodeo bunch. Remember the Rodeo that they put on every year? I also heard PT talk about Rocky S. in the blog. He wasn't around long - but sure made life tough for the other guys if I remember correctly. Good looking, smart and great athlete. What they would call today - a real Chick Magnet. Kind of like Ron Hughes. Do I ever wonder about these people?

Just All the Time!

Well, some of the time, anyhow.

OK - Seriously,
At least every 5 years or so.. :>)

Friday, March 10, 2006 3:38:00 PM  
Blogger the golden horse said...

Yes, Valerie, the last year I found was 62, I came met up with Donna about 8 years after graduation at the Air Force Academy, she was married to a flyboy. They had two beautiful little girls and we spent the day together and had fun catching up. For some reason, I lost track of her and am thinking they moved to Ohio, could be wrong here. I always thought she was absolutely gorgeous, just like her mother.
I had no idea that Mike and Diane and Mary were still close, that is good to hear.
I remember the time Diana and I were in my old 48 Plymouth with the funny accelerator that would stick and we were backing out of
TD's drive way and low and behold it stuck and we were both on the floor trying to pull it up. Still backing down the road to the Beehive lickety split. Must have been a site to see. I wonder if she still remembers that trip??
I hope it left no lasting horrors for her. I think that was when I traded for the 55 Chevy, I told my dad about it and the next day when I got home, it was gone.
I always thought R. Perry became the governor of Texas??? LOL

I don't remember a S. Burns, but Rueoff I do. Really pretty gal, I know we lost a lot of students to Southport.

I sure remember the Rodeo, alot of friends got their horses from there and we had a ball, just ask TD.
I don't remember how to spell Rocky's last name to look him up, but I bet PT does???????
I remember her being totally in love with him in the 6th grade. Now why would I remember that??
It is good to remember people in our past and smile.

Sunday, March 12, 2006 10:32:00 PM  

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