Thursday, March 02, 2006


Okay, keeping it light, here's an easy one.

What was the first car you drove?
What was your favorite car?
What was your all time favorite car and what is your absolutely would love to own someday dream car?

I started with a 48 plymouth, 3 on the column, with the most fascinating accelerator that would stick in the most unfortunate places, then moved on up to my 55 chevy with glass packs. That car,I really loved.

I really liked my Honda Accord, and I am intriged with the Euporean version of Mercedes Benz Nuova Class A, getting 60 mpg.
My perfect car is probably not built yet, it would be very sassy, classy, fast and get at least 50 mpg.

How about you?


Blogger Purple Tabby said...

The best car I ever had was a burgundy Peugeot. That beauty was solid, quiet, classy, and comfortable. I still miss it. We had it while we were in Spain but it would have cost too much to bring it back – would have had to add emission stuff to the gob-sockets and r-pods.

After I graduated from nurses training I had a white Comero with blue interior. It was hot and I thought I was too. Took it to Texas when I joined the AF. I knew Texas would be impressed.

The worst car I ever had was an Oles Cutlass. To be fair, it was an old car when I got it. But that dang thing died and left me all over Nebraska: major intersections at rush hour, in the middle of a blizzard, on a deserted stretch of country road, you name it. Sure could have used a cell phone.

Just before my husband was leaving on another TDY, I took it to the mechanic and asked him if there was ANYthing that was going to konk out in the next six months. He gave the car a clean bill of health.

The fuel pump died on me before I got out of the parking lot!

Friday, March 03, 2006 10:27:00 AM  
Blogger Greybeard said...

Gonna stand up for the Olds Cutlass here.....

Graduating from OCS, I bought a new '68 Olds Cutlass 442 that would go like stink.
I drove it 6 years, put 96,000 miles on it, and the only thing I ever had to change was the water pump.....
done under warranty at no charge.
When I sold it, it had the original battery, windshield wipers, headlights, etc..

Many adventures in that car, including going as close to the speed of sound as I ever will go in an automobile.
Wish I still owned it.

Saturday, March 04, 2006 4:48:00 AM  
Blogger TwoDogs said...

'68 Plymoth Barracuda, Burgundy 340S Got Home from Ft. Bragg and Dad had the car sitting in the Driveway just waiting for me to come home. I had saved since H.S. for this car. That was tough to do in the Army - GB, what was the starting pay for us in '66. Less than $100 @ month, wasn't it?? Of course, New cars were alot cheaper back then, also - I think mine listed for $2900. After tax and everything - it was only $3500+/-. But, I was sure proud of it. Three days later, driving south on Meridian, my girl by my side - Crash!!!!! At County Line road, another car had turned right into the left front of my car. No injuries except for my pride. Fixed the car and drove it another 3/4 years. It was repaired and looked 'new', but I was never able to look at that car with the same "My New Car" pride as before. For some reason, it just didn't shine as brightly as it did before the crash....

Sunday, March 05, 2006 5:34:00 AM  
Blogger TwoDogs said...

Ferdy, Yes, I was stationed at Fort Bragg twice. Right before I went to Korea and when I came home. The 51st. Signal Btn. was a support unit of the 82nd. at the time. Not officially an Airborne Btn. until later. We did have some units within our Btn. that were airborne - but my company was not one of them. Originally, part of I Corp., then part of the 8th Army EUSA. Now it officially is called 51st Signal Battalion(ABN)
We are having a Btn. reunion in June at Ft. Bragg. Doubt that I will go though.

Sunday, March 05, 2006 1:37:00 PM  
Blogger Flygirl said...

Cars & More Cars
My brother taught me to drive in a 3-on-the-column, pick up truck. He and I spent all day in our side yard on Whiteland Road lunging and stalling until I finally mastered the clutch-accelerator process. What a day that was!

I never had a car in school...always had to rely on the kindness of friends. Thanks Ferdy, I always loved your Valiant!

My brother would occassionally let me use his car(s) for very short periods of time. Like, Sunday afternoons running over to Jerry's for a couple of rounds. He had a new, red GTO that I ripped around in a little bit. He ALWAYS had cars and I would beg enough until he finally gave in to let me drive them.

I made up for no car in school in 1966 by buying a 1963, Midnight Blue, Vette with a detachable hard top. Boy, did I run the wheels off that car. It was the best little 283 engine; it ran like the wind. To this day, I regret ever selling it!

I thought I wanted a brand-new car; so I bought a new, dark green, Javlin. It was a light weight car with a way too powerful engine. I ran off Fry Road one night at the S curve. Going way too fast,I ended up in very deep ditch, very bloody. I totaled that baby, broke my nose, loosened my front teeth and split open my arm on the gear shift. I was a very lucky little girl that night!!

I had plenty of cars over the years, mostly unmemorable; but I too had the Olds Cutlass experience - twice! Liked both of them, but they weren't very sporty or snappy.

I did love my Austin Healy 3000! Hip hugger jeans and my Healy...what more could I possibly want out of life? One sad day, it did finally die.

Dream Car: A Little Nash Rambler! Beep, Beep.

Today's Car: I cannot give up my 1987, 420SEL Benz. It's a tank and I love it. It keeps me safe from all of the SUV's down here in Tourist Land. When it finally has to go, I don't know what I'll do? I think I'll get a horse & buggy!

Sunday, March 05, 2006 1:49:00 PM  

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