Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Well, isn't this a fine thing happening to us. I don't for one minute believe the supply and demand thing any more. Especially when it has been happening at quiet travel moments.
Our fuel has gone up 41 cents the past three weeks. We are now way over $3.00 and probably never to see it again.
When a corporation is gouging us the way they are, (hince paying their retired CEO $400 million and picking up the tab for his country club fees and a plane.), well, enough is enough. And why, would a person getting paid $400 need someone to pay his country club fees and plane?? GREED, plain and simple, and we are letting it happen.
I am hereby blackballing ExxonMobil from my little car.
We do our part in driving a fuel efficent automobile, and hopefully others will follow suit.
I don't buy the scare tactics of the ongoing war and unstable MidEast, pray tell, when was it last stable??
Why in heavens name are we not using more sugar cane for fuel, if Brazil can become totally self sufficent so can we. And other alternatives, we have to push for this.
Gosh, we have the wind, waves, land for corn and sugar cane, etc. Come on people, let's get on the bandwagon, and set ourselves free.


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