Friday, April 07, 2006


Back in February I wrote of receiving my seasonal book of hard to find items and I just got my new one. As I flipped through the pages, there are some new entries and I wanted to share them with you.
I found ponytail holders, spoolies for our hair, Pears's soap, bag balm, colognes, too many to list of bygone days. Fuller mops, Hokeys, dust mops, chenille bedspreads, seersucker bedspreads.
Under food stuffs, there is Scrapple and Scottish Haggis, not sure if these are really a much wanted item. And my all time favorite, Date Bar Mix. Neccos, and all kinds of old time candy.
Under toys, remember the little black and white scottie dog magnets, yep in there.
There was pettipants and culottes and even Dickies, I know you had one GB,
and of course, last by not least, the ole rubber swim cap.
Well, that is enough for now, don't want the juices running too fast.


Blogger Greybeard said...

Actually, I think it was M. Maurer that had the Dickies.....
I always wore a full turtleneck sweater.

Hokeys are still available....don't know if they are still called that though.

Saturday, April 08, 2006 9:12:00 PM  
Blogger Purple Tabby said...

Spoolies! OMG I hadn't though of those things in ages!

I saw something odd on TV the other day (and this doesn't have much to do with your original post but spoolies rattled a thought)

Anyway, remember when it was common to our wear hair up in curls at the grocery store or just out and about? We would put it up wet and let it dry while we did errands etc? I think I thought I was invisible with curls in my hair.

Not something seen very often these days, thank goodness! Blow driers, and wash & wear hair styles are more common.

Anyway, I was watching a documentary about a prisoner, a young man who ended up with a life term for making a stupid choice. He was just a few years into his sentence and still a young man, remorseful, depressed and mentally spiraling down a black hole.

His mother visited to tell him his father, whom he adored, had passed away. Understandable, he was very upset at the news.

However, the mother's appearance was what I found interesting. Her hair was rolled up in orange-juice-can sized rollers and she had a scarf pulled over (sort of) the whole thing.

Well, it just seemed like she could have done a little better than that to visit her son in prison, ya know? Especially when she was giving him such bad news.

It takes a South Park sense of humor to be the one rolling on the floor laughing, but that was me.

Sorry, GH. The spoolies took me over the edge!

Monday, April 10, 2006 7:17:00 AM  
Blogger the golden horse said...


Sorry, didn't mean for the spoolie thing, I just love to look these items up. You can even request a long lost item also.
As for that poor woman, let's chock that up to maybe she was in shock, because a sane person wouldn't have left home like that nowadays.
Sometimes, I wish it was still in the 60's so we could go out in public like that. Gosh, on a Friday or Saturday, it was a badge of "I got a date tonight na na na na doo doo" I don't think girls nowadays even know what sponge curlers or OJ cans are to be used for.

Thursday, April 13, 2006 3:19:00 AM  
Blogger the golden horse said...

I could have sworn it was you with the blue shirt and black dickie, sorry, but it was cool anyway.

Thursday, April 13, 2006 3:20:00 AM  

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