Sunday, March 12, 2006

That favorite pair of shoes

Did you have that one pair of shoes you wore to school, that you just knew you were too cool in them? Did you wear a pair of weejuns, loafers, tennies, or flats in matching colors to your outfits or even a pair of mocasins? Saddles?
What was your favorite pair?
Did you guys wear loafers, those black cycle boots, what were you just too cool for?


Blogger Purple Tabby said...

As y’all will vividly recall, I was always a fashion plate. As a trend setter, my job was to be at the vanguard of style in every way. (If you aren’t smiling, we did NOT attend the same HS !)

I remember saddle shoes, taking great pains to polish them on Sunday night, only to have them trashed by Monday morning after a walk to the bus.

Was there really something called “fruit boots” ??? Can that be possible? LOL Black short boots, the tops turned down, made of pretend suede ??? I’m sure I bought them because I thought they looked good on one of you ladies!! Got them home, hated them and only wore them when I felt the need for extra dorkiness.

I think I decided that white tennis shoes went with everything and that became part of my uniform.. No wonder I went into nursing and the military -- it was better that someone else TOLD me what to wear

Monday, March 13, 2006 10:03:00 PM  
Blogger the golden horse said...

Fruit boots, I hadn't heard that name in eons.
I had a pair of multi colored ones, hated the way they rubbed my ankles, and that was before they were fat.
I had all color of flats, even lavender ones, and mocs, and tennies, way too much time to match things up,.
Now it is barefoot or slippers outside.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006 9:19:00 AM  
Blogger Greybeard said...

Now I KNOW that is a girly thing!

If you love shoes, you simply must visit with the Manolo!:

Tuesday, March 14, 2006 10:48:00 AM  
Blogger Flygirl said...

GB: You know "Manolo's"????
You are way too cooooool! Or did you watch "Sex in the City"?

On Shoes...
I recall some flats, but Senior year, it was tennis shoes. The summer between JR. & SR. years, I recall loafers and no sock being worn with the bermuda shorts. I also remember all the blisters on my feet, before the loafers were broken in...ouch! But anything to be in style, right PT (you fashion plate)?

I also recall "Rock 'N Roll Sadles" they were kind of soft and had black crepe souls...I'm not talking the traditional saddles. Anybody remember those???

I used to sneak my sister's T-Strap Flats out of the closet and wear them...but she'd always catch me! Love those Red T-Strap Flats!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006 8:32:00 AM  

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