Here it is again, looming on the horizon, Valentine's day.
The problem is...what to get that spouse of ours. Let's face it, we aren't spring chickens anymore. Just how romantic do our spouses expect us to be? How many boxes of candy can you we need that. How many flowers can you buy, only to watch them die before the charge card bill arrives? I live in the land of year round blooming flowers, so to pay for some seems a little redundant.
Do you really need another diamond heart necklace? Not ready to see that spouse of yours in BVD's with hearts on them again?
I feel your pain.
Maybe two tickets to Paris or Rome...yeah that's the ticket. But, wait, maybe they don't want to go there??
A good movie, well, heck we do that all year round anyways.
Going out to dinner on a night when all the restaurants are being tested to the brim for good service and consistent food seems well, maybe, not so much fun these days. To wait for a table only to be disappointed. Gosh, I am running out of ideas here folks.
Can I really think outside the square this year? Can I truly find something that won't be a disappointment? Can I really surprise my spouse?
Then it hit me, still having a little humor left in my life... I found it... the perfect gift.
Something we both can enjoy, alone or with a crowd, with or without a pizza and beer, or even a icey margarita. Something to make us laugh. Goodness knows we don't do that enough nowadays.
When was the last time you laughed so hard your jaws actually ached?
So I sent off for my perfect gift, praying that it arrives in time.
The complete set of every episode of Pinky and the Brain.
For those of you who aren't familiar, Pink and the Brain is an adult cartoon about two lab mice. They are hysterical and well done by Steven Spielberg.
The set just became available in December and to say that I am excited is barely hitting that nail on the head.
I think my husband will be beside himself with joy.
My husband and our daughter and I used to sit down together and watch the show. It was actually a great way to bond with a teenager at the time. For her to find out good ole mom and dad can still laugh.
So, here I am ready to hear what plans you have on Valentines day.
Oh, Yeah, FYI, I am still going to buy that mushy card though.