Monday, February 27, 2006

Whatever Happened To....

This weekend I got out some old school annuals and started thumbing through them. I came across several people I have not heard a word about for many years. I went clear back to the first grade ( gosh, what cute little kids we were) and it brought memories of wonderful times.
Some of the people I know nothing about are...
Mike Bair, Jim Anderson, Jay Branaman, Diana Doty, Marie Espinoza, Mary Heldman,
just to get the list started.

What about you, have you any to add?
It would be wonderful if we could get them involved also.
In earlier years, we had some outstanding classmates that left before graduation,
maybe you know something about them also..
Sharon Napier, Nancy Lucas, Donna Hendrickson, Valerie ?....
Have you ever wondered about anyone that went to school with us?

Sunday, February 26, 2006

A Marley Moment

Well, the Olympics are over and I can join the human race again. I am always plugged into them as they are refreshing to me and I enjoy the human interest stories that go with the games.

But tonight, One stood out over and above the others. Tom Brokaw did a wonderful job on the story of the World War 2 Buffalo Soldiers. They were stationed in Italy at the time and charged a hill against the Nazis and saved a town outside of Torino.
Many years later, 1996 actually, the hero was given his medal and reunited with the people he had saved in Italy, including a smallboy that saw it all. They were the only heros to Italy, the Buffalo Soldiers.

Not a dry tear in my house tonight on that one.

I hope you got to enjoy it also.

Friday, February 24, 2006

That One Special Teacher

Did you have someone that made such a difference in your life in school, that you still think of them? That one teacher that took a little extra time or helped in any special way, or opened doors that you didn't know could be opened. That maybe turned your life around or made things a little clearer for you?

After struggling in Jr. High English, I thought I would be behind forever. Then my Freshman and Sophomore years, I had two wonderful young women that turned my life around and got me caught up with the world. I am forever grateful to them and I hope they know of the appreciation I hold.

The two young women were Miss Nancy Kivett and Miss Sandra Pennock. I think being fresh out of college, they knew how to touch us and communicate.
I remember Miss Kivett as being kind of shy, but ever so intelligent and Miss Pennock roaring into town in her little white sports car, top down, with her scarf flying out behind her and dressed to the nines, and all the while wearing those 4 inch heels. I know about 80% of the guys in school were totally captivated by her. Being from the Northside of Indianapolis, she suddenly added lots of class to our little school.

Do you have that one teacher that made a difference for you?

Movies and Memories....Do you remember

I think one of the neatest things I remember about CG, was all the movies they used to show us. Either in our rooms, or going down into the tunnel. When I look back on it, they really did show us some really good ones and a few duds.
Tonight, as I sat watching the Olympics, a Bubweiser commercial came on starring their beautiful Clydesdales and it brought back memories of a movie they showed us in school about them. It was called "Big Scot" and it showed them going to Scotland and buying a colt there and his progress through the years, eventually becoming a Budweiser Clydesdale. It really took me back for a few moments, being the animal lover that I am. Over the years I got to see these magnificent animals in person and up close many times.
That was always my long time favorite movie from school.

Do you have one??

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

It's Out of Control

In the day and age we hear so much about how prices are getting out of control. We hear about the raising gas, food, tax, utilities, home price costs and of course house rentals. Here we have few rental properties available with decent rents, since the country has gone crazy over money, not realizing what it is going to do in the long run. The market here has gone absolutely beyond believable since they have allowed so many people from the mainland and other countries to come and buy property here to turn into vacation rentals. These people don't care about what it does to the local economy and the people that have to live and work here, they aren't living here, just making money from their homes. If you live in an area where the prices are steady, then by all means, get down on your knees and thank the man above. It is driving the people that have to work here out of their homes of many years. Since so many homes are selling so fast and for unbelievable prices, taxes are running long timers that had lived in their homes for 60 years out of them. Their taxes, in some instances have gone up over several hundred per cent in the past few years.
Now we are not talking wonderful homes here, these are homes that 4 years ago were selling for 300,000 and are now selling for one million. These homes are 60-70 years old with no air conditioning, bad kitchens and baths, thin uninsulated walls, and termit ridden. These elderly people are not wanting to sell their homes and now they can't afford to keep them. In many instances, there are several generations living under one roof, just to keep one over their heads.
Now, here is the kicker:

This was just in the paper this week and brings it all into a very clear focus.
In one of our nice little areas, there are 4 professionals renting a home, they had a large walk in closet not being used, so they advertised it for someone wanting to sleep in it. The first day, they had 33 applications for it. So they rented it out and on top of that, they rented out the laundry room for the same purpose.

Now, I ask you, IS THIS OUT OF CONTROL??

Saturday, February 11, 2006

A Step back in TIme

I had just received an order through the mail and as I was going through the box, I had noticed the company had sent me a catalog. I almost threw it away when I started thumbing through the pages and found some of the neatest stuff that took me back to the 1950's.
Do you remember, cotton handkerchiefs for women, Jade East Cologne, Bay Rum, styptic pencils, Burma shave cream, Charles Chips, Valomilks and Clark Bars, Black Jack and Beaman's gum, Little Golden Books, Aesop's Fables, Hans Christian Andersens Tales, Dick and Jane series of books, Raggedy Ann and Andy, Fisher Price pull toys, Viewmasters, soap on a rope, Lifebouy, Ipana toothpaste (remember Bucky Beaver), Tangee lipstick, sprinkle bottle with holes in the top, 45's record player with stackable changer, and last, but not least, Evening in Paris Perfume. All that and much more, I felt like I had just walked into my grandma's house. What a nice trip to take.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Confession Time

Okay all you CGHS ers, think way back now and tell all, Where was your favorite parking place....
And I don't mean at the grocery store or the mall.
What was your funniest experience while parking... keep it clean.
Isn't it a shame the kids nowadays won't get to experience that running and dodging the police.
And if you won't tell, I will start narcing on ya.