Monday, March 10, 2008

Madam Pele is a Fickle Lady

For months now we have been watching the goings on of Madam Pele and her lava flow.
About a week or so ago, she didn't disappoint us...again. The lava started flowing and flow she did. Right through the old Royal Gardens Housing area she had all but wiped out several years ago. With her flow she took many houses and left two troopers, out of dozens, left to guard their homes.
She was belching out a river that was 1000 feet wide in some places. She was moving faster than was predicted on reaching the ocean again.
Arriving several days early, she was putting on quite a show for everyone. She was in the papers, she was on the news, she made national attention.
People were arriving by the thousands.
Vacationers were changing their plans. The Big Island was scrambling to
make a new viewing area, as the danger is high around the flow, fumes and air. Within a few hours, all was accomplished. Finally a new viewing area for all to enjoy.
And enjoy they did, for less than two days and then the lava stopped.
Yep, she just put on the brakes like like there was no tomorrow. No one knows what happened. It has never stopped this suddenly before. They suspect some lava tubes and underground tunnels, but for now the show is over.
Madam Pele is letting everyone know just who is in charge. Yes, she is a fickle lady.