Saturday, September 29, 2007

Who Killed The Electric Car

Tonight we watched an interesting documentary on whatever happened to the electric car and who killed it.
Interesting at least.
The GM EV1 was set to be remarkable. Followed by Honda and Toyota, but big business got a hold of them.
It got me to thinking, just when did I quit hearing about electric cars?
It was all set to be a huge success and then bam, nothing.
The amount of brand new cars that were crushed was sad. They never sold them to the owners, only leased them. There is only one left now and it is dismantled and in a museum.
This had an interesteing perpective on what happened.
It was done by several celebrities that drove them and how they tried to stop the death of it.
It tried to cover all sides, I think??? But then I have to consider that this is done by Hollywood and that raises my doubt to some degree.
Mel Gibson was a element and he is not really known for his far leftist attitude, but then there is Charlie Sheen and that really raises my doubt.
I think there were several reasons it was shut down. They tried to blame some of it on the Bush Administration, but then again, during the 90's when it was hot and Clinton was in, he did nothing either to promote the car.
I think all were to blame.
I think big business will always control what happens in this country no matter how we want so badly to think different.
What say you?

Sunday, September 23, 2007

No Rest for the Wicked Wahines this Week

The fleet is in. We are blessed with the second carrier into port in less than a month. This is a rarity for us.
My husband works for the Navy and he gets a heads up for me as to the date and time for me to go ship watching.
He takes the grey boat to and from work daily and sees all of these ships on a daily basis as well as our subs, as this is basically a sub base.
But, today, he gets up early with me and goes down to the beach to watch.

We grabbed a couple of cheeseburgers from our little grill and picked out a spot.

Having to wait for high tide, we had timed it correct.
Then, all of a sudden, there she is, coming in from the far right and travelling at a pretty good clip I must say. In fact, probably the fastest clip I have ever seen a carrier come into port. We are talking about some
very savvy captains here. They are piloting her like she is
a 20' CrissCraft, there are four tugs out there for her and she doesn't need a one. These guys are good.

We followed her across the horizon and she is taking a huge portion of it up. She is bigger than the container ships we see all the time.
When she turns into the harbor, you can see her strange shape and wonder how she keeps an even keel. She looks totally top heavy.

She goes right by us very close. My husband had smiles all over. I think he finally gets it why I am so excited to see the ships. This was the first time he got to see the flags and all the sailors lined around her decks in perfect attention. Across the harbor sitting at Hickam was a huge crowd of people, they were waiting for their sailors to come home after several months. You could hear this huge roar go up when she passed. Thank god there are still people supporting our military.

Our neighbor was standing there with us and said his son was on the ship. We knew he had been gone several months, as his cool sportscar had been covered. We just didn't know where he had gone.

Even though this was just a short stop for her on her way to her homeport, at least several families had a wonderful weekend visiting.
She had been out in the West Pacific for quite some time and had a huge fleet with her. I think it totalled about 30 ships and 20,000 sailors. So you can imagine our excitement in seeing such a display of ships coming into our little world.

Oh, yeah, the fleet is in, the silence was soon broken with two of the F18's the carrier hauls around. We hear the F15's and 16's daily, but the F18's have their own special sound......LOUD. They came in a little later and will most likely follow her out and then land on her.

Even my normally quiet, mellow husband got excited.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Supporting our Country and Making a Good Fit

As I am sitting here reading all the posts from our school blog as well as others, in remembrance of 9/11. I am hearing the Thunderbirds fly over the house practicing for their shows this week celebrating Air Force Week. We are on their flight path and very close to them. I have to tell you, it is exciting. I think of all these fine young men and women in our services and how proud they are to be serving their country and doing us proud. They get it, they make a good fit.

But, where did it all go so wrong. We are fighting for something that we sincerely believe in, at least those that have a clue as to the ramifications if we don't.
Why are we suddenly the enemy and the bad guy?
Aren't we the country that is the first to respond to emergencies around the world? Aren't we the first to jump in and help fellow man when someone is trying to annihilate them?

I am tired of the extreme leftist that want to bring harm to this fine country. If we are so bad, why do they stay? Some put out very extreme statements that boarder on treason. How does freedom of speech give them that right? I think it has gotten out of control. I think hiding behind that right to such an extreme is wrong. They don't make a good fit.

Why do they have to demostrate over every little thing. Why do they have to tear this country apart? I hold them very responsible.
If they don't like the elections, why can't they keep their mouths shut and just vote during the next election. Why do they have to act like irresponsible children when things don't go their way? If we are so bad, why don't they leave?
I have to say, I have lost any respect for those that put out lies, on the air, books, movies and any other platform they can find. I don't go to their movies or buy their books, if their objective is to tear this country apart.
Why do they think I want to hear what they have to say? Does being rich make your words more valuable? Have you every listened to one of them speak when they don't have a script in front of them?
I wouldn't give them the time of day or come to their rescue. Why don't they leave? They don't make a good fit.

No matter how you feel, if you are an American citizen or want to become one, you need to support this country in her time of need and give your very best support, you owe her that, if you can't, then it is time for you to leave. This isn't a good fit.
You don't have to agree with everything, no one does and that is okay, that is what freedom is about.

Don't move to this country and expect us to change our lives to accommodate yours. Don't expect us to build you special places of worship and give you time at work and school to practice yours. Didn't you move here to get away from that? Otherwise, what are you doing here? Don't come here and expect us to change. This won't be a good fit.

Our ancestors fought long and hard to make sure we have the freedoms you so covet. If you want to become an American, then act like an American. Otherwise, this might not be a good fit.

People like George Soros and his sick following need to be shown the door, this is not a good fit.

I watched a show the other night of the Kurds. They get it. They have been given their first chance to make a wonderful life and they are taking it and running. They have cleaned up their part of the country. Business is good, security is tight. They love America. Some name their children after our Presidents. They are building incredible buildings, they have new homes, their children are going to wonderful schools. They get it. They are making a good fit.
Now if we can just convince the rest.